BIBLE STUDY – THE EXILE AND RETURN – MONDAYS AT 7 PM IN CHURCH CONFERENCE ROOM : Study will begin with an introduction night on Monday, September 18, 2017. For many the Exile to Babylon is unmitigated disaster. Yet throughout, God speaks to His People with words of reassurance and comfort. Further, on their return to Israel, the Jews rebuild on stronger foundations. See Daniel prophesy and Ester deliver her people, participate in the adventures of Tobit and Judith, stand by as Ezra and Nehemiah rebuild the nation, and finally witness the heroic struggle of the Maccabees. The lessons learned by these holy men and women apply to us now. The main lesson is: God is faithful and will ever abandon those wo trust in Him.
TUESDAY MORNING CATHOLIC WAY BIBLE STUDY GROUP : is starting on September 12th. We meet in the Church Conference Room from 10.00 am to noon. This fall we will study the Gospel of Luke. Please sign up at the welcome table. "Come and see", you may like it . For more information, call Kitty Haley at 223-1209 or Pirkko Gantley at 695-0108.