Bishop Stowe to Bless the Diocesan Commissions of the Peace & Justice Office
On November 21, 2021, Bishop Stowe, OFM Conv. will bless the diocesan commissions operating under the auspices of the Diocese of Lexington Office for Peace and Justice. The blessing of the Laudato Si Commission, the Commission on African American Catholic Concerns, the Peace and Justice Commission, and the LGBT Outreach Commission will take place during the 11:30 a.m. celebration of the Mass at the Cathedral of Christ the King. All are welcome to attend the Mass in person or virtually by going to the Cathedral of Christ the King website (
The Laudato Si Commission leads diocesan efforts directed at the Care for Creation, equipping parishes to teach, implement, and model the Christian call to ‘ecological conversion’ as in Pope Francis’ encyclical on the environment, Laudato Si.
The Commission on African American Catholic Concerns (CAACC) serves the Diocese of Lexington by celebrating/promoting the African American Catholic experience and engaging the faithful on issues related to equality, diversity, and culture.
The Peace and Justice Commission fosters a commitment to peace and justice in the Diocese of Lexington. It does this by promoting Catholic Social Teaching and mobilizing the faithful of the diocese in three primary activities: prayer, faith formation, and public witness.
The LGBT Outreach Commission leads the diocesan-wide effort of seeking, welcoming, accompanying, and ministering to the LGBT community in the Diocese of Lexington.
For more information about these commissions or the blessing of the commissions, please contact Josh Van Cleef, Director of the Office for Peace and Justice, Diocese of Lexington, at[email protected].