Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
First Fridays: Exposition following the noon Mass (12:45pm) with adoration in the church throughout the afternoon. Benediction begins at 4:45pm
Last Mondays: Exposition following the 6:00pm Mass in Spanish with all night adoration in the church until 8am Tuesday.
Visits to the Eucharistic Chapel may be made weekdays* 8:00am--4:30pm (*days that the parish office is open)
Sacrament of Reconciliation
In English:
Wednesdays immediately following the 5:30pm Mass
Fridays 11:15am--11:55am
Saturdays 3:00pm--3:45pm
Or call the office to make an appointment.
Confessions in Spanish are offered at nearby parishes: SS. Francis and John in Georgetown and St. Leo in Versailles.
Please contact Laura Hack. Parents are required to participate in a Baptismal Preparation Session
Anointing of the Sick
Call the office, day or night, in the event of an emergency. Please notify us if you are ill, shut-in, or entering the hospital.
This process is open to all interested in the Catholic faith, as well as those who are baptized within the Catholic Church who need to prepare for the Sacraments of Initiation. Contact Laura Hack for information.
Couples planning to be married at Good Shepherd are to contact the parish Office at least six months prior to the anticipated wedding date. Engaged Encounter or Pre-Cana is a must
Confirmation and First Communion
Contact Laura Hack for information.