Sunday, Sunday, Sunday: a look at the upcoming Sunday readings for Mass with Mark Hart from LifeTeen. A great resource every young Catholic should try to listen to before attending Mass each week. Listen in their Website or iTunes
Catholic Answers: Live radio talks with Q&A on a range of Catholic apologetics topics – a variety of guests and presenters. Listen in their Website or iTunes.
The Fr Mike Schmitz Podcast: Fr Mike works as a university chaplain in the USA and his podcasts are targeted primarily at the university students and current faith topics related to them. Listen on Soundcloud or iTunes.
Bishop Robert Barrons sermons: Weekly homilies from Bishop Robert Barron (author of the Catholicism Project and Word on Fire ministries)
The Jeff Cavins Show: A focus on scripture. Listen on their Website or iTunes.
Fr Rob Galea: these are less regular, but topics aimed at young people today.
Catholic stuff you should know: Quick podcasts that go through Catholic stuff you may not know, but should know.
Laudate – With this app, you are able to get the daily readings, daily bible verses, prayers, rosary, Saint of the Day, Catechism of the Catholic Church, Examination of Conscience and much more. This app is free, however it requires internet to update the readings, saint of the day etc.
Confession – This app is a guide to help you prepare for confession, it is not a replacement for the sacrament of confession. It is passcode protected as you can log your examination of conscience prior to confession, it even helps remind you when you last went. The app has various prayers and a guide to help you with confession too.
Catholic Study Bible App (Ignatius Press Bible) – A FREE Catholic Bible app, great search features, highlighting, bookmarks and more.
The Pope App – Connect with all the Vatican updates, live webcasts of the Pope’s messages, access to the Pope’s twitter feed, webcams live streaming all around the Vatican and more.
Pocket Catholic – Very similar to Laudate, this is used to have the various Catholic prayers on the go. To some, this may have slightly better aesthetics but generally used to find Catholic prayers quickly.
Docat – Released at WYD 2016, this is a follow-on resource for YouCat (the Youth Catechism) this inspires young people to connect with the social teachings of the Catholic Church and how you can actively make a change in our world today.